Did you know???
Posted on Jan 22nd, 2021
area, football field etc.. Please ensure the kiddos are aware of this so they are not trespassing on other neighboring lots.
~Did you know that the HOA only pushes snow after a 2 inches of snow has fallen. The HOA contracts with a snow removal company each year to back up the City of Fishers. The City has done an amazing job at getting to Sandstone quickly during snow events that have allowed the HOA to save funds each year.
~Did you know that the HOA has 21 ponds? We contact with a vendor each year to treat algae on the ponds. Although we treat every 10 days- the heat and humidity of the summer can cause algae blooms to go crazy in a pond. Another issue is when owners treat their yards in the spring and summer- of course we would never tell you not to treat- we all want beautiful grass, but just know that when treating you are not only feeding your grass but you are also feeding the algae in the ponds. When treating a pond the vendors use Copper Sulfate- the vendors are limited on how much they can use in one treatment- so if a pond is really bad with algae the goal is get it all treated but we must also be careful on how much treatment we are using. Fountains do not prevent algae or make less algae bloom. Fountains only move the water which moves the algae closer to the edges of the pond. There is nothing that will prevent algae from blooming in a pond.
The Board also has a firm that comes in each year and removes invasive plants from the ponds naturalization. The naturalization is on Common area and should not be mowed, cut or removed. The naturalization creates a natural filter for storm water as well as helps secure the banks and prevents erosion. If there is an issue on your pond please make Robin Guyon with Ardsley Management aware. She will work with the naturalist or pond company to get it corrected.
~ Did you know that the HOA will reviewing additional entry work this year (2022). We will be reviewing the Knoll entrance off of Brooks School Rd. as well as the Carriage Stone entry off Brooks School Rd and the secondary entry off of Hamble and Brooks School Rd.